Heaps Decent is an Australian organisation empowering young people through skills building, cultural access and creativity. 

Working with underrepresented and marginalised youth, our participatory program of music and visual media activities provides a pathway to discovery, personal growth and agency through self-expression. 
hey (at) heapsdecent.com


April 15, 2013

Louisahhh! at Juniperina

A couple of weeks back we took US National Louisahhh! to a workshop at Juniperina girls juvenile justice centre in Lidcombe. Louisahhh was here touring, DJing shows around the country and took time out of her busy schedule to come and work with the girls.

After sharing some incredible life lessons with the girls, the singer/DJ/producer had them inspired and took no time to get them singing over a great techno beat she made.

Another amazing Heaps Decent guest, which we were super grateful for! We can’t thank her enough for coming to the workshop and sharing her time, skills and wisdom with us!!

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  • Address: Level 3, 119 Bathurst Street, Sydney, 2000
  • PO Box: PO Box 213 Darlinghurst NSW 1300
  • Phone: 0480538065