Heaps Decent is an Australian organisation empowering young people through skills building, cultural access and creativity.
Working with underrepresented and marginalised youth, our participatory program of music and visual media activities provides a pathway to discovery, personal growth and agency through self-expression.On Sunday 20th May, we succumbed to the pressure and threw an encore Home Base All-Stars Showcase. Not to be outdone, we chose an exotic and exclusive venue and with the amazing help of the folk at Queen Street Studio, to whom we can not express entirely our gratitude for their generosity, we threw a warehouse jam in the picturesque setting of Fraser Studios. We were elated as always to host the familiar faces who have shown their unwavering support over the years and having a core of close friends to witness the culmination of our hard work was as incredible as always.
With amazing performances from all the guys that come down and work tirelessly on their music each week in Redfern, it was another success! Stay tuned for a couple of finished versions of the tracks, a couple of the guys are entering triple j’s Unearthed competition.
Special mention goes out to the Home Base All-Stars for being amazing and talented!, Queen Street Studio for having us in their amazing space, to Lindsay McDougall for being our sound tech for the afternoon, Impact AV for providing us with all the audio gear for the event, Hugh O’Brien for some great photos, Ana Jiminez for filming, to the amazing supportive crowd filled with friends and family and to the Heaps Decent facilitators who all pitched in and gave their time on a rainy Sunday afternoon!
Go here for more photos.